Issue 2, 2009

‘I Speak Like a Ten-Year Old with Strange Jargon Attached to it’
An Interview with Jodi Dean

Gijs van Oenen & Christian van der Veeke


Gijs van Oenen

Gijs van Oenen is universitair docent aan de Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en lid van de redactie van Krisis.

Christian van der Veeke

Christian van der Veeke (1980) is a PhD student in the Department of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He graduated on a critical analysis of Alienation (Heimwee van de filosofie, 2007), which was awarded the National Leo Polak thesis prize 2009, at the University for Humanistics, Utrecht. In his current research, Van der Veeke focuses on contemporary political theories in relation to philosophical critique as a method and democracy as an ideal.