Issue 3, 2010

Guus Dix, Pim Klaassen, Harro Maas, Esther-Mirjam Sent, Floris Heukelom, Tiago Mata, René Gabriëls, Katrien Schaubroeck, Sanne Raap, De Redactie, Albert van der Schoot, Ruth Benschop, Melanie Schiller, Sake van der Wall & René Boomkens


Guus Dix

Guus Dix studied philosophy and sociology at the University of Amsterdam. As a lecturer and PhD candidate he is currently teaching courses in the philosophy of (social) science. He started a PhD-project on the intricate relationship between economic science and market-oriented policy in the Netherlands. First results of his research can be found in an article on the market for job placement services, ‘Interveniërende voorwaarden’ in Beleid en Maatschappij.

Pim Klaassen

Pim Klaassen studied philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science at the University of Cambridge. His interests go out to issues on the borderline of science and society. At present he works as a lecturer and PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam. There he works on the rise of the neurosciences, focusing on the inter- or multidisciplinary project of neuroeconomics this has brought forth, and the various issues of demarcation that have sprung up with it.

Harro Maas

Harro Maas is universitair hoofddocent in de geschiedenis en methodologie van de economie aan de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Zijn Boek William Stanley Jevons and the Making of Modern Economics (Cambridge, 2005), dat gaat over een van de grondleggers van de tegenwoordig dominante neoklassieke economische theorie, won de Joseph J. Spengler Best Book Prize van de History of Economics Society. Momenteel leidt hij met een VIDI-beurs van NWO een historisch onderzoeksproject naar observatiepraktijken van economen, dat voortbouwt op zijn deelname aan een interdisciplinair onderzoeksproject naar de geschiedenis van wetenschappelijke observatie aan het Max Planck Instituut voor Wetenschapsgeschiedenis te Berlijn. Zijn meest recente boek verscheen bij Boom-Lemma in 2010 onder de titel Spelregels van economen: de ontwikkeling van de economiebeoefening. Hij verhuist binnenkort met zijn VIDI-project naar de Universiteit Utrecht, waar economen meer openstaan voor de geschiedenis van hun vakgebied dan hun collega's aan de UvA.

Esther-Mirjam Sent

Esther-Mirjam Sent is Professor of Economic Theory and Policy at the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. Before this, she was affiliated with the University of Notre Dame in the US and also a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS). Her research interests include the history and philosophy of economics as well as the economics of science, and was published in, amongst others, two books: The Evolving Rationality of Rational Expectations: An Assessment of Thomas Sargent’s Achievements (Cambridge University Press, 1998) that was awarded the 1999 Gunnar Myrdal Prize of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Econ-omy, and Science Bought and Sold: Essays in the Economics of Science (University of Chicago Press, 2002; edited with Philip Mirowski). She is also member of the Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling (RMO), co-editor of the Journal of Institutional Economics and the Academische Boekengids and member of the Board of Oversight of Plan Nederland. Recently her research interests moved towards behavioral economics, experimental economics, and economic policy. Esther-Mirjam Sent ob-tained her PhD in 1994 at Stanford University in the US, under the super-vision of Nobel Laureate Kenneth Arrow. In 2009 she won the Frans Duynstee award for the Radboud University member with the most media appearances. She won the prize for the many times she commented on the economic crisis in the media.

Floris Heukelom

Floris Heukelom is Assistant Professor of Economics at Radboud Univer-isty Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His research includes the history of behavioral economics, and more generally the interactions between economists and psychologists during the twentieth century. Among others, his research is published in the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences and History of Political Economy. He is currently working on a book on behavioral economics. More information can be found at

Tiago Mata

Tiago Mata is a Research Fellow at Center for the History of Political Economy, at Duke University, USA. In 2008-2010, he was Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam School of Economics, in the Netherlands. His research interests are on the sociology of economics and on post-World War II history of the social sciences with a particular concern for the role played by social science knowledge in mass culture. He concluded his doctoral work at the London School of Economics in 2005 and received the Joseph Dorfman Award for the Best Dissertation in the History of Economics in 2007. His thesis is forthcoming as a book by Cambridge Uni-versity Press. He has published in the journals History of Political Economy, Science in Context and Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences.

René Gabriëls

René Gabriëls is editor of Krisis and works at Maastricht University

Katrien Schaubroeck

Katrien Schaubroeck promoveerde in 2008 op een proefschrift over praktische redenen en is als postdoctoraal onderzoeker van het FWO Vlaanderen verbonden aan het Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte (K.U.Leuven).

Sanne Raap

Sanne Raap (1985) is student wijsbegeerte en volgt de onderzoeksmaster Modern History and International Relations aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

De Redactie

Albert van der Schoot

Albert van der Schoot studeerde muziekwetenschap en filosofie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, en muziekpedagogiek aan de Ferenc Liszt Academie in Boedapest. Hij doceert esthetica en cultuurfilosofie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, en muziekfilosofie aan de Universiteit Antwerpen. Verder is hij verbonden aan het lectoraat Theorie in de Kunsten van ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten.

Ruth Benschop

Ruth Benschop werkt als senior onderzoeker bij het Lectoraat Autonomie en Openbaarheid in de Kunsten, Hogeschool Zuyd, te Maastricht. Daar probeert ze haar achtergrond in wetenschaps- en techniekonderzoek te vertalen naar de kunsten. Ze houdt zich onder meer bezig met etnografisch onderzoek van en door kunstenaars en met artistiek onderzoek.

Melanie Schiller

After completing a Research Master in Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam, Melanie Schiller worked for the German independent record label ‘Tapete Records’ and for the Hamburg-based online music television station She is now a Lecturer at the Department of Media Studies of the University of Amsterdam and currently pursuing a PhD in popular music analysis for the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA) which has the working title ‘German national identity in popular music from 1945-now’. Her main research interests therefore include popular culture and popular music in particular, nationalism and Germany, but also gender and queer studies.

Sake van der Wall

Sake van der Wall is docent filosofie op een middelbare school, schrijft voor de satirische website De Speld en is programmeur bij literair centrum Perdu.

René Boomkens

René Boomkens (1954) is full professor social and cultural philosophy at the University of Groningen. In his research he focusses on the social and cultural philosophy of modernity, interpreted as modern experience, with special attention to the crucial role of the city and of urban culture.