Issue 4, 1982

Rudi Laermans, Nel van den Haak, Hanneke Stasse, Monique Wittig, Pieter Pekelharing, Veit Bader, Jozef Keulartz, Chunglin Kwa, Antoine Verbij, Peter van Lieshout & Peter van den Besselaar


Rudi Laermans

Rudi Laermans is hoogleraar theoretische sociologie aan het Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek (CeSO) van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Zijn recente onderzoek en publicaties situeren zich binnen de domeinen van de hedendaagse sociale theorievorming, cultuurbeleid en -participatie, en hedendaagse dans. Over het laatste onderwerp bereidt hij momenteel een boek voor. Contact:

Nel van den Haak

Hanneke Stasse

Monique Wittig

Pieter Pekelharing

Pieter Pekelharing used to teach at the University of Amsterdam. He has just retired. With two co-authors he recently published a book on the power of the megacorporation, De macht van de megaonderneming, Van Gennep, 2016, which is currently being translated into Spanish and Portuguese. An English translation is in the making. His current interests are focused on the politics of higher education and the relationship between science and democracy. He is also working on a publication of his lectures on the history of philosophy.

Veit Bader

Veit Bader is a professsor of sociology (department of political and sociocultural sciences) and of social and political philosophy (department of philosophy) at the University of Amsterdam. His main research areas are: theories of societies, social movements and collective action; theories of modern capitalisms; ethics of migration and incorporation; citizenship and associative democracy. Most important books: Inequalities (1989) Leske + Budrich (together with Albert Benschop); Collective Action (1981) Leske + Budrich; Racism, Ethnicity, Citizenship (1995) Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster. Associative Democracy: The Real Third Way (2001). London/Portland: Frank Cass (together with Paul Hirst). Secularism or Democracy? Associational Governance of Religious Diversity. Amsterdam UP, June 2007.

Jozef Keulartz

Chunglin Kwa

Chunglin Kwa is universitair docent Wetenschapsstudies bij de afdeling Politicologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. In 2011 verscheen van hem Styles of knowing. A new history of science from ancient times to the present bij de University of Pittsburgh Press en dit jaar verschijnt Kernthema’s in de wetenschapsfilosofie bij uitgeverij Boom Lemma.

Antoine Verbij

Peter van Lieshout

Peter van den Besselaar