The Politics of Contamination
Sudeep Dasgupta is Associate Professor in the Department of Media Studies, the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA) and the Amsterdam Centre for Globalization Studies (ACGS) at the University of Amsterdam. His publications focus on the aesthetics and politics of displacement in visual culture, from the disciplinary perspectives of aesthetics, postcolonial and globalization studies, political philosophy, and feminist and queer theory. Book publications include the co-edited volume (with Mireille Rosello) What's Queer about Europe? (New York, Fordham University Press, 2014), and Constellations of the Transnational: Modernity, Culture, Critique (New York and Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2007).
Signalementen (pdf)
De Redactie
Special Issue Krisis: On Philosophy And Human Rights. Introduction (pdf)
Marc de Wilde
Power and Powerlessness of Human Rights. The International Discourse on Human Rights and Its Critics (pdf)
Regina Kreide
Included but Not Belonging. Badiou and Rancière on Human Rights (pdf)
Ernst van den Hemel
Power and Powerlessness of Human Rights. The International Discourse on Human Rights and Its Critics (pdf)
Regina Kreide
Het falen van de mensenrechten. Een filosofische analyse (pdf)
Marc de Wilde
What is Cultural Analysis? And What is the Role of Philosophy? An Answer to Murat Aydemir (pdf)
Josef Früchtl
De sublieme historische ervaring revisited (pdf)
Jacques Bos
The Right to Justification (pdf)
Bert van den Brink
Dom, dommer, dier (pdf)
Rogier van Reekum
The Politics of Contamination (pdf)
Sudeep Dasgupta
Studying the History of Human Rights (pdf)
Thomas Poell