Issue 1, 2010

Aardkloot in ademnood
hyperventilerende democratie in de mondiale sferen en netwerken van Peter Sloterdijk en Bruno Latour

Huub Dijstelbloem


Huub Dijstelbloem

Huub Dijstelbloem is Professor of Philosophy of Science and Politics at the University of Amsterdam and Senior Research Fellow at the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), The Hague, The Netherlands. He is interested in questions concerning science, technology and politics and positions himself disciplinary at the intersection of STS, Political Theory and Philosophy of Science. His current research is focused on three topics: (a) the digitization of border controls, migration policies and mobility management; (b) the governance of food networks; and (c) the contested authority of science. He is author and co-editor of several volumes and coedited Migration and the New Technological Borders of Europe (2011) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.